Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So glad to see you....Chick-fila

Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourselves & things in life- either because it's genuinely funny or because it just plan keeps you sane. Let's discuss our weekly trip to Chick-fila that Brady & I took last night. When we get to there, and I go to get Brady out of the car, he says "So glad to see you" as if it's been a while. Wherever did he learn such a grown-up phrase? It made me laugh & I asked him where he'd heard that before, only for him to laugh and say "I don't know" in the sweet little way that he does. Turns out, his very own Papa tells him that every time he sees him. I guess Brady just wanted to appear as if he was the clever one & had come up with it on his own. Next up on the night's agenda- while waiting in line, I have Brady hold the P-sauce to keep him & his hands busy while we waited for our food. I told him to hold on tight so he wouldn't drop the P-Sauce & C-Sauce on the floor. He's a very literal child to the point that he held on so tightly that it exploded all over his jacket, pants, and the floor. This allowed mommy to hold up the line while she wiped him off & wiped the floor up with entirely too many napkins. While dining, Brady dropped his cup on the floor, spilling milk & more importantly, exposing him to Chick-fila floor germs. Well- I guess it will just have to toughen up his immune system. After eating, we proceeded to the play area where I realize his shoes have been on the wrong feet all day! I told Rocky about this once we got home because it was so funny & his response was "Woops!" I'm happy that Brady has a daddy who dresses him, changes his diapers, takes care of him when he's sick, things that some dads just don't do- but should do! Anyways, times like these further solidify how much I love being Brady's mom- there's no one else I'd really want to wipe sauce off of or clean up after their messes. Here's to more date nights for mommy & Brady at Chick-fila. I'm sure they will come with more interesting stories & eventually will include Brady's partner in crime, his little sister.

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