Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh Sharoney!

So friends have been joking with me about calling the baby Sharoney- a sort of Shannon Meroney hybrid. It started because I confessed that we have a name picked out but have decided to wait to debut it until she's born. A friend threatened to start calling her Sharoney for unless I told, but I'm sticking to my guns. Anyways, here are all the belly pics I've taken thus far. Can't wait to see how I continue to grow as she continues to grow.

14 weeks 2 days

18 weeks 6 days

21 weeks 4 days

23 weeks 5 days

27 weeks 1 day

I've already been asked if I think Baby Girl will be as big as her big brother. I'm thinking it's definitely a possibility especially if I'm 8 days past my due date like I was with Brady. Perhaps I'll have a better idea in the upcoming weeks based on how I measure at the doctor. Only time will tell. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by since I'm busy spending time with my sweet 2 year old & I now have a job that keeps me much busier. My 27 week appointment was rescheduled until next Monday at 28 weeks because of the office closing due to the snow. That visit will include the always anticipated drinking of the glucola and my RhoGam shot.

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