Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh Heavens!

I always find it refreshing hearing the perspective of a 2 year old, namely Brady. Talking about death is never easy & I think it's important to talk about things in a different way with the little ones- I don't like to baby things, but I can't be too philosophical either. He oftens asks about his Grammie Linda who passed away 6 1/2 years ago (before I even met Rocky). Rocky & I have shown him pictures of her & explained that she's Rocky's mommy just like Brady's other Grammie is Mommy's mommy. He pretends to call Grammie Linda on the phone sometimes & will ask about her & if she can come to the zoo with us, if she gave him one of his Christmas presents, etc, etc & today he asked where she was at. So how do I explain her passing to a 2 year old? I told him that Grammie Linda went to heaven even before mommy met daddy. Being an inquistive 2 year old & following in his mommy's footsteps by asking TONS of questions, he asked where heaven was. Hmm, another tough question. So I told him heaven was not on Earth & that it was a good & special place to go when you're not on Earth anymore. He thought about it for a second (we're actually in the car at this point) and from the backseat I hear him say, "I think she took a rocketship to get there!" I guess in his mind, one way to leave Earth is one a rocketship. I told him that's not exactly how it works & decided to leave it at that. He said "it was fun for Grammie Linda to ride the rocketship." Well Brady, Grammie Linda is in a better place, but there were no rocketships involved. One day he'll understand. In the meantime, I think it's important he knows who is Grammie Linda was, how much daddy still loves her, and how she would have thought the word of him. Just like all of his other grandparents.

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