Monday, February 15, 2010

Beer & Tacos

Brady went to stay with his Papa & Grammie (my parents) this past weekend. As always, they had lots of fun things for him to do & lots of tasty food for him to eat. After leaving the science center on Saturday, they headed to lunch at Positano's, a fabulous Italian eatery in Greensboro. After browsing through the menu, Brady had made up his mind & told everyone, "I'll have the chicken taco!" Why in the world would he be thinking about chicken tacos at an Italian restaurant?!! I cannot even tell you the last time we've had chicken tacos. However, upon hearing this Mexican food request, Papa got in the mood for Mexican so they made a trip to Mi Pueblo for dinner. Now, on to the beer part of the story. Uncle John had given Brady his old boxed set of the Toy Story. Instant hit! He wants to watch it at our house now, but he does have a bit of a problem saying Buzz Lightyear. At Target last night he saw some of the Toy Story figures. He proceeds to declare for all of the aisle to hear, "Mommy, I want the Bud Light!" Nice! Not sure if I was more embarrassed that he was asking for beer or that he was asking for cheap, disgusting beer. :) While it's nice to have a weekend for just Rocky & me, it's always wonderful to have Brady back & experience his silliness firsthand.

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