Monday, February 8, 2010

Excellent Big Brother in Training

Every day at work I receive an email from Brady's school teachers called a "daily" that lets me know when he went to the bathroom, what he ate, when he slept, what they did for small group, and what they did for outdoor exploration for that day. Here's the small group excerpt from today: "This week our focus will be love & friendship. We began a disscussion about how we treat and care for our friends. Our friends shared several responses on how we care for our friends. Examples: Giving friends hugs, kisses, saying I love you, sharing with friends and more. We took time to draw pictures for our friends. Brady wanted to draw a picture for his sister." Baby sister is still so hypothetical to Brady at this point & yet he's already thinking about her & wants to draw her a picture. I seriously almost started crying at my desk. I know the first time I see my two babies together I will be a crying, hormonal mess. Brady will look so big up next to her & will seem so very grown-up. I'll also be faced with the realization that Brady's not my only baby anymore. I'm excited, nervous, and anxious all at once. I can't believe she'll be here in 3 months or less. I hope Brady is as happy to meet her as he seems to be now. I have no doubt he'll be an excellent big brother.

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