Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo

My favorite posts are those where I can weave a story that includes elements of both Brady and Baby Girl Davis. This is one such post. It's no secret at this point that the name of Baby Girl is a secret. When I arrived at Brady's school yesterday, one of his teacher's approached me and said "Brady's been saying his sister's name today." My heart sunk thinking that Brady had let the cat out of the bag by letting the name slip out. All I could do was smile & reply, "Well, what was he saying?". "Oh, he's been saying her name is Bunny". Silent sigh of relief on my part. I just laughed and confirmed that her name will definitely not be Bunny & said something about never really knowing what Brady's going to say. She asked what the baby's name is going to be, and I told a LWL (Little White Lie) when I said we weren't even sure yet. I say it was a LWL versus a BWL since technically we're not 100% sure what her name is going to be. We think we know & Brady calls her a certain name, but we're leaving it open in case when she arrives we can feel free to pick something else if she just doesn't look like she should be called by this name. Next, I ventured out to the playground to find my sweetie pie who was busy at the tire swing. Two more of the 2 year old teachers said he'd been very talkative about his baby sister today. They had also heard the name Bunny thrown around along with something that sounded to them like Dawn. My honest thoughts about Bunny Davis & Dawn Davis are that they both sound like perfect names, but only if one would like to pursue a career in some adult industry if you know what I mean. So for all those who are interested, you can cross Bunny & Dawn off the list of name possibilities.

Another Brady/ Baby Girl hybrid story is one that took place last Thursday. The spirit moved Brady while we had some tunes playing on the tv & he hopped up to dance. Near the end of his booty shaking he informed Rocky & me that he was "dancing for baby sister." I'm telling you, when he says things like this my heart really does melt. I asked him what she would think about his dancing, and he stated matter of factly that "She will love it". I will make an attempt later today/weel to post the video to the blog, but I'm not sure how that will go due to my still limited knowledge of all things blogging. While I'm getting more excited by the day to meet my sweet baby girl, I'm equally as excited to see Brady's experience being a big brother. I know he will be as good of a big brother as he is good at everything else he does & I know that the first time I see them together I will use my fair share of Kleenex. I've been asking him what he will do the first time he meets her & he tells me that he will give her hugs & kisses and tell her "I love you baby sister." Let's see how long this loving feeling lasts before he asks mommy & daddy to send baby sister back to wherever she came from. I'm sure it will be quite the adjustment for him since he's had all of our attention for over 2 and a half years.

I've posted 2 pics below of Baby Girl in all her glory at 31 weeks 1 day. I'm not a huge fan of how huge my cheeks look, especially in the top picture, but I know it's just part of this final 2 months of pregnancy. I'm actually quite happy being a chubby cheeked mamma to a (most likely) chubby cheeked daughter. I was talking to Rocky the other day about the fact that having a daughter will make me more aware of how critical I can be of myself. I need to be careful not to criticize my hair, skin, weight, cooking, etc in front of her because that could lead to my daughter having lower self esteem, and this is the last thing I want. I want to be a positive role model for her and raise her to know that she is a beautiful girl & then a beautiful woman who can do & be anything her heart desires. I can't believe my due date is only 2 months and 1 day away. Rocky thinks there's a good possiblity she won't hang out that long, but I like to thing that I have the Taj Mahal of baby caves (I was told this by my gal pal Nicky while pregnant with Brady) & she may make a Mother's Day appearance on May 9th or even May 10th which is Uncle John's birthday.

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