Friday, March 5, 2010

Let the Estrogen Fest Commence

Just a quick post to say how much I am looking forward to my baby shower tomorrow. 2 of my sorority sisters, Maeghan Sutton & Jamie Tjalma, are hosting it in Chapel Hill, and I CANNOT WAIT!!! It's an all girl event, unless my friend Sue brings her 9 month old Stough which would be great, so there will be a plentiful supply of estrogen. I'm excited to spend time with friends and to celebrate the blessing that is my daughter. I will post pictures of the festivities, hopefully this weekend. I was originally going to wear a black & cream geometric printed dress but decided I wanted something more colorful and quite honestly something that would photograph better, so I ventured out at lunch today and found a navy & aqua floral dress with matching teal flats. I've learned that maternity dresses should actually be called "moo-moo's" so I opted for a non-preggo dress in a size up from what I usually wear. And let's be honest- since I didn't have navy or teal shoes, it was the perfect opportunity to add some to my collection. Also, it's quite possible this will be our last baby, so I'm trying to savor every moment (side note- despite this attempt, this pregnancy is going by way too fast. When I was pregnant with Brady I never thought I'd say that a pregnancy would feel as if it went by too fast, but this one definitely is). I also felt like it was okay to splurge on a new head-to-toe look since again, it may be my final baby shower ever. I know we'll all have a great time and if the adorable invites are any indication, I'm sure the shower will be girly & perfect. Since I'm pregnant, there's no shame in me admitting how much I'm looking forward to the food too. Apparently, so is Brady since when I told him yesterday that this weekend I was going to a party for baby sister while he spent time with daddy, Papa, and baby Tanner, he asked if I'd bring him back some cake, specially Shrek or Spiderman cake! I'm thinking it will be something more along the lines of a pink or purple cake or cupcakes, but I promised I'd bring him some anyways.

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