Thursday, March 25, 2010

Go Canes

We had a great time as a family at the Canes game on Sunday. All we told Brady when we left the house is that we were going to a surprise location. He kept saying he thought we were going to Chick-fila, but realized we were going to the hockey game once we were in the parking lot & he saw all the flags & people walking around with jerseys one. "Hurricanes!" he kept yelling. His jersey was waiting in the back of the car & he was oh so happy to match daddy. Once we got our tickets from willcall (after many phone calls to Rocky's boss who bought them under his account), we went inside & Brady was so excited. He was a bit concerned over the noice (see below pic of him covering his ears from the cheers of the Buffalo fans who were there in obnoxious supply), but overall had an awesome time. Daddy & him even took a trip to The Eye & got Brady his very own Canes hat. Brady decided he liked wearing it backwards. He's been asking when we can go back & loves to her me say the word "Zamboni!" which he repeats with some degree of giggling.

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