It seems as if no blog post would be complete without an update on baby girl. I had my 36 week appointment yesterday. This included the swab for Group B Strep. Basically, if a mom tests positive, she is given antibiotics during labor to prevent transmission to the baby since GBS can make babies very, very sick. My belly measurements proved the fact that she had dropped which I already knew since I can breath better due to her no longer being lodged in my ribs. At 34 weeks I measured 36 cm and now at 36 weeks I'm only measuring 35 cm. I have never measured behind at all with either pregnancy, so this was proof that she had headed south. Since the doctor was already "down there" for the GBS swab, she checked my cervix & found that I am 1 cm dilated. I was dilated for 2 weeks before I had Brady, so it doesn't mean much, but it is 1 cm I don't have to dilate during labor. She instantly felt the head & said that it was nice & low. They won't check me again until I'm 39 weeks or if I think I'm in labor, but I'll still have weekly appointments from here on out to check my urine for sugar & protein, weigh-in (Oh Joy!), check my blood pressure (a nice 116/68 this week), measure my belly, and listen to her heartbeat. This is all becoming more real. Rocky has serious doubts that I'll make it until May. He's going to install the carseat bases this weekend. Other than that, most of the things I need to do are more for me than for her- haircut for Brady & me, oil change for my car, order breastpump parts, etc. I'm starting to wonder more & more what she'll look like- it's the daydream phase of pregnancy where my mind drifts off & I picture having a sweet baby girl in our house as we go from a family of 3 to a family of four. Even if I hold off having her until as late as I had Brady, that's only 5 weeks. Seems like 5 weeks ago was just here yesterday.
9 years ago
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