Sunday, May 2, 2010

Patiently Waiting

So it's the day before my due date with baby girl. Still pregnant as you can tell my the post title and the fact that this post isn't about her birthdate, size, name... I still feel pretty good, but I'm excited to get this show on the road. I've had contractions randomly for days now. I had an hour this morning where they were 10 minutes apart and now I'll have them about once an hour or so, but I'm not calling my doctor until they're 5 minutes apart for atleast an hour. The plan is to also call my parents at this point so they can come and stay with Brady. I had a strange dream Friday night where my parents were here, but we all left and went to the hospital, and right before I started pushing I realized Brady was at home alone. They got home & he had just woken up and wanted to know where everyone was. I think this is my subconscious fear about Brady feeling somewhat neglected when I have the baby. I know he'll be shown plenty of love my Rocky, me and our extended family and friends, but I still wonder how he'll feel not being the only center of our attention anymore. The dream was also wierd because all of Shaunda's family (aunts, uncles, cousins) were in the room while I was in labor. I have no idea what this part of the dream meant. The last part of the dream that was bizarre is that she only weighed 7 lbs even which I think is pretty much impossible at this point. Hmm... As far as progress goes, at my 39 week appointment last Monday I had gone from 1 cm to 2 cm dilated and from 25% to 70% effaced. I have my 40 week appointment tomorrow morning if I'm still pregnant, so maybe I'll have made further progress. I know that it's not really an indication of when I'll go into labor, but any free dilation is fine by me! Brady has been saying for months that baby sister will come on 2 May, even before I told him I was due in May, so I've been hoping he'd be right. That'd be really special that he knew when his baby sister was going to be born. Rocky had been saying April 29th for months & my mom had a dream that she was coming on April 30th, so Brady's guess is the next one that could come to fruition. While I don't think she'll be 8 days late like Brady, that would still only be 9 days from now. We're very close! I will definitely post when she arrives. In the meantime, my last official day of work was Friday. I could go in this week if she's not here, but with all of the random contractions and feeling more tired each day, I will probably take this time to just relax since it will be quite some time before napping & relaxation are introduced back into my life. This past week went by really quickly & this weekend is going by pretty quickly too. I was nice & busy at work and also met up with Rocky twice for lunch & with Nicky as well. This weekend, Rocky got up with him both mornings (6:45 yesterday and 6:15 today- YIKES!) so I could sleep in, and I took Brady to B&N and McDonald's yesterday before naptime, and then we all had dinner & went to the park after dinner last night. Who knows what today will hold. I'm not really in a "put on makeup and leave the house" kind of mood, but maybe after Brady's nap & mommy's nap I'll feel more up to it.

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