- Carrigan & I went to my cousin Rachel's wedding on July 10th. It was such an awesome time for such an amazing couple. We hitched a ride to MD/PA with my parents and had quite a roadtrip. We stayed a B&B near Williamsport PA owned by friends of my Uncle Sam & Aunt Karen. We got to see my Aunt Denise, Uncle Pat & cousin Danielle in Hagerstown as well as visit with folks from my dad's side of the family in town for the wedding. Carrigan got to meet her Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa Meroney. How special!
- The week after the wedding we ventured to Carolina Beach for 3 nights. My parents came down a day after we did. It was hectic & hot, but alot of fun. Carrigan decided to quit sleeping so well through the night, but she gradually got back to some semblence of a routine the week before I went back to work.
- Speaking of, I went back to work on July 26th. It was nice to see everyone from work, but let's just say a 12 week backlog of work was a shock to the system. My first week back was made easier by my mom staying with us. She watched Carrigan & cooked all of our meals. What a blessing. I have an awesome mom, and everyone knows it.
- Carrigan started rolling from her back to her tummy on Friday July 30th. We weren't expecting this milestone to come so soon. It scared mommy a bit at first, and we even had to get a dr's note so they could let her flip to her tummy and sleep that way at school. What a big girl!
- Carrigan's first day at daycare was August 2nd. She's attending a different school than Brady for right now. We had a few bumps in the road since I'm a Mamma Bear who wants everything perfect, but so far, so good.
- A wonderful summer cold (snicker inserted here) passed through our home & is still passing through. It started with Brady who had a cough for about 2 weeks, hit Carrigan with a stuffy nose and watery eyes, made it's way to Rocky who ended up on steroids & breathing treatments, and ended with me who just got a stuff nose & a small cough. Carrigan eye's were so watery her teacher thought she may have had pink eye. After an unsuccessful trip at 7 pm to Minute Clinic who failed to tell me on the phone when I called that patients must be atleast 18 months of age, we made our way to a Duke Urgent Care and finally got home around 9 pm. It reminds me yet again how thankful we need to be for our generally good health.
- Yesterday, Carrigan had her 4 month check-up, and Brady had his 3 year (sniffle sniffle) check-up. Brady weighed in at 37 lbs & is 38 inches tall. The nurse declared, "he's gonna be a tall one!". Carrigan weight in at 14 lbs 3 oz & 25 inches long. Funny thing is, I looked back at an online growth chart I keep for Brady, and at 4 months he was the exact same length & only 1 oz more than Carrigan. Somehow, I just don't remember him having the rolley polley belly and things like she has. Carrigan did great with her 2 vaccines & Brady was a champ with his finger stick, eye exam, and his first ever "pee in cup". 2 healthy kids makes for a very happy mommy & daddy. In the past week or two, Carrigan has also started scooting around combining multiple rolls with an inchworm motion to make her way around the bed or floor. So big!
So that's the long & the short of it. I want to get back to more regular blogging. Brady says funny & sweet things to me every day that I need to write down so I don't too soon forget. His latest is telling me every night while I'm tucking in him and rubbing his back that he thinks my hair is pretty. However, before today's nap, he said me liked my hair, my shirt, my necklace, but that he really liked my teeth more than my nose. :) It's been a fun albeit tiring past couple of months, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
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